Twig & Berries
Mixed-Use with a Living Skin
March - June 2024
DESST 3513: Design Studio V
Mirai Morita
With the world currently experiencing a climate crisis, everyone is feeling the effects, and insects are being left behind. Important for mid-level forest growth and seed dispersal, there is estimated to be 100-200 undescribed species of stick insects in Australia, and with little published research on their resilience to abnormal climates, stick insects are ripe for research.
The building aims to encourage awareness of the little guy, and promote low-impact sustainable transport and produce. With environmental crises across the globe, environmental awareness is crucial to encourage the next generation of researchers and scientists, teaching children of all ages to be environment conscious on the small scale.
Form generation began with physical paintings, folded to create forms conducive to modularity. Experiments in 3D modelling were interesting, but fell short of analogue recreations of physical models. The project develops itself into a series of sections and details of semi-rationalised spaces.